To have photographer friends who understand what it means to be a photographer these days is something I cherish. You also have the opportunity to share talents with each other to capture those wonderful family moments. Here are some of my favorites that I took with the Day Family a few weekends ago. They recently welcomed a new baby girl into their family, and their almost 2-year-old is loads of energy and fun. Some of my favorite photos of him, are the completely candid moments where he was hamming it up. Thanks for a fun Saturday, Day Family! - Bailey

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Najim Family Photos - Preview
Stacy and Steve were thoughtful in taking me up in my offer to take photos of their new son, Alex. Although there were several wardrobe changes, Alex was a trooper and was the ideal little model. Even the family pets stepped in for a few portraits of their own. Najim's, thank you for a fun Saturday of creative photography! Here are some of the previews:
Friday, September 16, 2011
This Summer I... Went to a Train Station.
This train station happened to be beautiful... and there happened to be a couple having their wedding photos taken there as travelers, the homeless, and a hurricane milled about. Washington, DC. We were rained in. Everything closed down. Oh well, better luck next time. I look forward to another opportunity to visit our Nation's Capital.
Canon 5D,
Train Station,
Union Station,
Washington DC
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
This Summer I... Explored a City More than 200 Years Old.
I had the good fortune of having a tour guide who lived in Washington, DC for a little while. He took care of the travel arrangements and picked a great place for us to stay. The Hilton was right off the King Street exit of the Metro Line. I have to say... the Metro is incredibly convenient and clean. What a great way to get around! Here are some of my favorite photos from exploring Alexandria, Virginia.
Guard Dog.
Love, love, love the historic buildings and the way the community strives to keep them going.
You mean, people can live by water?
Will this be Adam's next bike?
COBBLESTONE STREETS! (I had never seen this before.)
Hound-faced door knocker. Holy.
I am growing my small collection of bicycle photos from each vacation I take.
Kitties like to hang out in the window too.
A discarded love letter on the brick street.
That's a sweet 'stache you have there Mr. Mannequin Head.
There are these little alleyways all over the place.
There is nothing like this in Arizona. NOTHING!
Irene is on her way... break out the sandbags.
This reminds me of a scary movie set in Colonial America.
Heart-shaped leaf.
Adam trying to fix the 1, of 3 umbrellas I purchased during our 4-day trip. I finally broke down and bought one that cost more than 10 dollars. Total investment: $20.00. Thank you for a wonderful trip, henny. I love exploring with you.
Canon 5D,
Canon G11,
Colonial America,
Monday, September 12, 2011
This Summer I... Explored our Nation's Capital
We did not realize that August is a terrible month to visit Washington, DC. Sure it is green and lush, but the humidity and temperature both read 100... When you are getting around by foot, it makes for a sweaty and thirst-inspiring experience. Despite the weather conditions, we had a wonderful day visiting the National Mall and a few of the monuments. I hope I can go back again in the spring and fall, there is just so much do do and see! Plus... public transportation is easily accessible! Here are my photos:
Edited with my new copy (licensed copy, mind you) of Light Room III. Thanks Adam!
There were thousands of spiders building webs between the columns on this bridge.
Planes rushed by overhead as traffic whizzed by.
This photo is terrible, but the Lincoln Monument is breathtaking in person.
It is almost as if Lincoln himself can hear you as you approach his statue.
The Vietnam War Memorial... incredible, even at night. It draws you in as you become lost in the names of the dead. I am thankful my dad survived and grateful for his service to our country, though these Veterans were never properly thanked for their sacrifice.
I am kind of obsessed with the Washington Monument.
The World War II memorial, Adam's favorite.
Despite the violence, the water helps provide a calming feeling as you reflect on what historical events have shaped not only our country, but the world.
Adam has magic in his hands.
Arlington National Cemetery.
Marble everywhere!
I love me some leading lines...
and archways and columns.
It feels weird to photograph graves... I felt kind of bad, like I was disrespecting the dead... then a tram full of tourists with camcorders in hand rolled by with the guide speaking over the megaphone.
There it is again...
The Kennedy grave site tourists. Myself included. How strange. Does this mean President Kennedy and Jackie O. are never able to peacefully rest if people are constantly stomping above their graves?
It is a beautiful cemetery and place to remember to be thankful for what you have.
More lines and shapes.
Two... birds... on a wire... - Regina Spektor
I thought it was cute that these kids were throwing pebbles into a puddle while their chaperone was not paying attention. (The Smithsonian Institution in the background. It was closed. Boo!)
The beloved, and cursed, Hope Diamond. Quite mesmerizing. Guarded by a man with a gun, and in a giant, glass case.
Edited with my new copy (licensed copy, mind you) of Light Room III. Thanks Adam!
Canon 5D,
Canon G11,
Nation Capital,
United States,
Washington DC
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