Wednesday, August 3, 2011


An AWESOME electrical storm (that brought much-needed rain to our area) passed through about 30 minutes ago. This is not one of the smartest things I have ever done... but I grabbed my camera, tripod and shutter release and ran down to the end of my street. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, I chickened out and ran back to the house, praying my tripod would not act as a conductor.

Grabbed the keys to the Jeepies, drove to the end of the subdivision and got this badass shot!
 Monsoon Season is one of the things I love about Arizona. This was some of the best lightening I have witnessed since I was 6-years-old. We were living at our Glendale house that had a large north-facing window in the living room. My mom grabbed some sheets, popped some corn and she, my sister and I sat watching Mother Nature's light show for what seemed like hours. I feel that is where my love of storms came from... even if they total our poor little Suubie.

Once I edit the photos I may post more. I also promise to post some photos from my Ragnar Relay - Northwest Passage experience.

Adam bought me a new iMac for my b-day. What a thoughtful husband!