Sunday, June 26, 2011

Los Angeles

June 10th through 14th we went on a road trip with Mamasan and Uncle D to visit our relatives in California and to see Evangeline's latest play, "Bordering On Love".

Here is the first in a series of photo posts from our adventures with Tia Essie, Natalie, Rosie, Lil' Van, Armando, my mother, Uncle D, and of course; my dear, patient husband.

 Jardin Trasero.
 Catching Up.
 Loves Having Photo Taken.
 Portrait Art.
 Bottle Cap.
 Laugh It Off.
 Hee, hee, hee!
 Sss, sss, sss!
 A la izquierda.
 Best. Tacos. EVER.
 Housing complex restored by Lil' Van's non-profit.
 Amazing murals everywhere.
 Lovely portrait of the Queen Mutha.
 Las Hermanas!
 Si Se Puede!
 Another project her non-profit is working on restoring.
 Bailey Street.


 I really need to learn Spanish. I have no excuse except for being lazy.


  1. Hi BB. Great pictures!!! You have a good eye. I really like Ocho. You should start taking conversational Spanish classes.

  2. BaileyBee, what terrific photos you captured on our Cal trip! You do have that mighty fine keen eye! Some of your comments are comical & cute. When in doubt make up a clever-kinda-sounds like it word. Ha! Ha! Stovia&Bravo! Soy LaVob.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks DD Mon & Mamasan. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll receive a framed version of it to decorate the walls with! I should start taking those classes. Want to take them with me? I'll bring Adam and it can be a family affair.

  5. I LOVE all these - my fave is the orange buildings with the blue recycling (trash?) cans in front - beautiful contrasting colors. Great work Bay! Love and miss you!
